Financial Year wise Count of Gram Panchayats

S No Context 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1. No. of GPs on 1st April. 239494241879248271248966249178253244255663255333255296
2. New GPs formed in particular year. 241866248271248964249165253244255663255323255296255600
3. GPs eloped during particular year. 2148799355471801613162835890
4. No. of GPs at the end of the year (31 March). 419871341040650473327031224223364
  1. Here the GPs are only Gram/Village Panchayats and don't include other Equivalent Rural Localbodies like village council, tribal council etc.
  2. For Financial Year 2022-2023, the End of the year Date is 06-02-2023 and not 31-03-2023.
  3. Difference in the No. of GPs at the end of the year (31 March) of a particular financial year and No. of GPs on 1st April of next financial year is equal to the no. of GPs created on 1 April of later.
  4. Sometimes State PRI Users reactivate the GPs previously invalidated by them. That number is also included in the No. of GPs at the end of the year (31 March).